C is for Crushing Fatigue #AtoZChallenge

Today's post for the April 2018 A to Z Challenge is focused on the letter "C". We're in day three of this blog hop-type event.

C is for Crushing Fatigue.

Sometimes, some people, do not understand the level of fatigue we with fibromyalgia experience. How many times have you heard "Yeah, I'm tired, too." No, this is not "I'm tired because I had a long day." Or "I'm more tired because we're getting older." This is CRUSHING fatigue. It is out of proportion to the activity you just did. If you have regular tiredness from aging, for instance, you might need to sit down for a while after a walk around the block. But for us, a walk around the block can knock us down for hours and hours.

Take today, for example. I talked to a friend on the phone, took a shower, and went to a 12-step meeting. When I got home, I was so exhausted, I had to lie down. Next thing I knew, I was sound asleep with my dogs on the couch! The tiredness is out of proportion to the activities performed.

Have you ever had the flu? You know how tired you can get from that. Or, if you've ever taken an antihistimine and it made you fall asleep.... that's the level of tiredness and exhaustion we feel, EVERY day.

So, now you know about crushing fatigue as one of fibromyalgia's most annoying features.

Do you experience crushing fatigue? How do you handle it? Tell me about it in the comments!
