H is for Headaches #AtoZChallenge

Post number two for today, because I missed the letters G and H during a busy weekend, is the letter H.

A lifelong problem with chronic headaches led me to choose Headaches as my post for the letter H.

I've had chronic headaches since I was about 9 or 10 years old. When I was that age, they were migraines, and they were horrific. I used to have to go to a dark room and lie there for hours, with the blinds closed, pressing a knuckle into the part of my head that hurt, crying.

There were times when I had such severe headaches at school, I had to be taken away in a wheelchair by the school nurse, and sent home. A couple times I fainted or vomited from the migraines.

This went on all through my teens and 20s.

Once into my 20s and 30s, the headaches became very chronic, 3 or 4 a week, and I began to use a combination of caffeine, Excedrin and water to take the pain away. I don't necessarily recommend this for too many reasons to list here. I'm not a medical professional, so please do not take any advice from what I'm writing here. I'm just another person with chronic pain.

When I was in my mid-40s, I not only still had headaches, but that's when I developed fibromyalgia. This meant I was basically in SOME kind of pain, daily. Sigh.

After menopause, the headaches became fewer, but not absent altogether. Just once in a while.

Well, after my recent hospitalization, my fibromyalgia pain seems to have bee all but "cured"! But... I'm starting to have headaches again. Almost daily. Probably 5 or 6 days a week.

I have no idea why this is, but I'm just learning to roll with the punches at this point!!

Thanks for reading!!
