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You’ve likely heard about the Autoimmune Paleo Diet and my friend, Dr. Izabella Wentz, a rebel pharmacist and thyroid expert, has found that 75% of people feel better when they implement this Autoimmune Paleo diet!
This diet can help eliminate the symptoms of thyroid disease and in some cases, help some people get into a complete remission...
Dr. Wentz has seen numerous people shed symptoms like skin breakouts, headaches, fatigue, stomach issues, depression (not to mention unwanted pounds), within days of starting this protocol! She’s even seen thyroid nodules disappear with this protocol (this even surprised me at first!).
I know it can seem intimidating, and even daunting to remove the most common offending foods like gluten, dairy and soy…and nightshades and people often ask, “What Can I Eat?”
So I want to make this easy for you, and share Izabella’s simple, quick start guide that contains everything you need to get started on the diet - so that you can be one of the thousands of success stories and start feeling better too!
Here’s a free 2-week recipe eBook to get you started!
Click here to get your free copy.
● You'll get 14-days worth of delicious meal plans and recipes. That’s breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack, for two weeks, so you’ll never get bored or feel deprived.
● You'll have a shopping list for each week, so that you can go to the store, stock up on everything you need and move on with your life.
So without further ado, go ahead and download your two weeks worth of recipes, meal plans and shopping lists based on the Autoimmune Paleo Diet template!
Click here to get your free copy now!
Give it a try, and please let me know what you find. Remember, if it doesn’t work for you, you can always go back to the way you were eating before, you have nothing but your thyroid symptoms to lose :-)
Here’s what you’ll get:
● 14-Day Meal Plan -- so you don’t have to worry about what you’re going to eat.
● 2-Weeks Worth of Recipes -- breakfasts, snacks, lunches, and dinners, that are filling, refreshing, and delicious.
● Hassle-free Shopping Lists -- for both weeks so that you get in and get out of the grocery quickly and efficiently.
It can’t hurt to give this diet a try because you win either way. :)
You’ll either get a breakthrough in your health and lose your thyroid symptoms, or you’ll go back to the way you’re eating right now. I hope you’ll let me know what you find out.
If you do nothing else, watch this informative (free!) YouTube video from The Thyroid Secret. It's long (90 minutes), but there is a lot of helpful and interesting information about thyroid disease, how traditional medicine sometimes gets it wrong, and what we can all do to help heal ourselves with a little knowledge and nutritional changes. Like I said before, listening to these folks was a real ear and eye-opener for me.
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