
Day 5 #NHBPM #ListOf3 things I'm thankful for/excited about/ or inspired by

Day 4 NHBPM What's in the bag?

Day 3 NHBPM 30-day challenge - A conversation with your doctor

Day 2 NHBPM 30 days, 30 posts

The Fibro-Fog Chronicles: why I write about my health

Everything I do leads to a fibro flare

Looking back

I completed the WEGO health Health Activists Writers Monthly Challenge (HAWMC) in April 2012!

WEGO health challenge day 29 (and 30) Six Sentence Story

WEGO health challenge Day 28: The First Time I...

WEGO health challenge Day 27: 5 Challenges/5 Victories

WEGO health challenge day 26: Health Tagline

WEGO health challenge day 25: Third person post